As with every new year, resolutions have been made. Rather than 'new year's resolutions', this year I have made 'Life Resolutions'. Being in my last year of university and faced with the prospect of finding a job and moving into the 'real' world, I have been feeling both extreme excitement and trepidation about my future. I have been very complacent with myself in the last few years, rather than actually chasing and achieving my goals. This is changing. 2013 is going to be a new beginning for many different reasons.
The planning for my Norway trip (an example of a previous goal/dream that I am actually going to achieve this year!) is progressing, the route is basically finalised now, and once my exam timetable is released at the end of the month I will look into booking flights. It's getting real, which both excites and scares me. Training will resume as soon as the cast is off, not just for Norway, but I am also riding from London to Paris in 24 hours in April, which will be another, although very different, adventure!
So much to look forward to; I would say that I cannot wait for it to begin. But it already has.
You'll be back on the road soon!